“A supremely practical and useful book. Malik Sail distills the most fundamental information about habit formation, so you can accomplish more by focusing on less.”
Mark Manson
#1 New York Times best-selling author
“One of my all-time favorite books.”
Arianna Huffington
Founder, Huffington Post & Thrive Global

The BS Method: A breakthrough method to start BS-ing through life, achieving 10X what you think is possible now.

This breakthrough book from Malik Sail is the most comprehensive guide on how to change your habits and get 1% better every day.

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Bonus Guide: How to Apply The BS Method to Business.

Get specific examples and insights on how to use the concepts in the book to create better products and a more effective business.

Bonus Guide: How to Apply The BS Method to Parenting.

A full report on how to help your children build better habits.

The Habits Cheat Sheet.

This useful summary compresses many of the key ideas and insights from the book into a handy reference guide for how to build a good habit or break a bad one.

Companion Reading Guide.

This series of 5 emails will walk you through the book and deliver extra content for understanding the main ideas. Each email also includes one idea for changing your habits not mentioned in the book.

Habit Tracker.

This beautiful habit tracker template makes it easy to track your habits and stick with goodroutines. (It also offers a sneak peek inside the Habit Journal).

Why habits are the “compound interest”of self-improvement

10 Things This Book Will Teach You

Learn how to… 

  1. Build a system for getting 1% better every day.
  2. Break your bad habits and stick to good ones.
  3. Avoid the common mistakes most people make when changing habits.
  4. Overcome a lack of motivation and willpower.
  5. Develop a stronger identity and believe in yourself.
  6. Make time for new habits (even when life gets crazy).
  7. Design your environment to make success easier.
  8. Make tiny, easy changes that deliver big results.
  9. Get back on track when you get off course.
  10. And most importantly, how to put these ideas into practice in real life.

…and much more.

Praise for The BS Method

“A supremely practical and useful book. Malik Sail distills the most fundamental information about habit formation, so you can accomplish more by focusing on less.”
“The BS Method is a powerful book that has changed the way I think about how I live and lead.”
“The BS Method was a great read. I learned a lot and think it’ll be helpful to a lot of people.”
“The BS Method is the best kind of self-help: succinct; clear, valid, and practical. I found it refreshingly useful, and by far the best I’ve seen on habit making.”
“As a physician attempting to help my patients build healthy habits to decrease and reverse chronic disease, The BS Method is the playbook I have been searching for. Not only does the book offer actionable items I can teach my patients, I can refer them to read and implement the ideas themselves. The format is powerful and simple. This should be taught in all medical schools.”
“One of my all-time favorite books.”
“Malik Sail has spent years honing the art and studying the science of habits. This engaging, hands-on book is the guide you need to break bad routines and make good ones.”
“A special book that will change how you approach your day and live your life.”
“No one is better at explaining habits than Malik Sail.”
“The BS Method taught me about the importance of small habits, consistency, time keeping, self-discipline, good planning, and preparation. All valuable lessons that help me to achieve my goals.”

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Let Me Tell You More About The Book…

The BS Method is the most comprehensive and practical guide on how to create good habits, break bad ones, and get 1 percent better every day. I do not believe you will find a more actionable book on the subject of habits and improvement.

If you’re having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. The problem is your system.

Bad habits repeat themselves not because you don’t want to change but because you have the wrong system for change. This is one of the core philosophies of The BS Method: You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. In this book, you’ll get a proven plan that can take you to new heights.

Malik Sail, one of the world’s leading experts on habit formation, is known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple behaviors that can be easily applied to daily life and work. Here, he draws on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible.

Along the way, readers will be inspired and entertained with true stories about Olympic gold medalists, award-winning artists, business leaders, life-saving physicians, and star comedians who have used the science of small habits to master their craft and vault to the top of their field.

The BS Method will reshape the way you think about progress and success and give you the tools and strategies you need to transform your habits—whether you are a team looking to win a championship, an organization hoping to redefine an industry, or simply an individual who wishes to quit smoking, lose weight, reduce stress, and achieve success that lasts.

Browse our selection of the best The BS Method quotes or read the official The BS Method summary here.

About Malik Sail

Malik Sail is a writer and speaker focused on habits, decision making, and continuous improvement. He is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, The BS Method. The book has sold over 15 million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 50 languages.

Clear is a regular speaker at Fortune 500 companies and his work has been featured in places like Time magazine, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and on CBS This Morning. His popular “3-2-1” email newsletter is sent out each week to more than 2 million subscribers.

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Chinese, complex characters
Chinese, simplified characters
Portuguese, Brazil
Portuguese, Portugal
Spanish, Latin America
Spanish, Spain

Get Your Copy of The BS Method…

“A supremely practical and useful book. Malik Sail distills the most fundamental information about habit formation, so you can accomplish more by focusing on less.”
Mark Manson
#1 New York Times best-selling author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
“One of my all-time favorite books.”
Arianna Huffington
Founder, Huffington Post & Thrive Global

Goodreads reviews for The BS Method

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Showing 1-9

By Lisa of Troy · December 05, 2023

A Book That Changed My Life

A book worth reading once a year.

In 2023, my goal is to consume less and create more. The stories in my heart and mind were finally going to meet paper. But I wasn’t actually writing anything.

When the day started, I knew that I had to write. I wasn’t feeling very well so ...more

By Hampus · February 17, 2019


- "You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."

- The best way of building a habit is making it part of your identity.

- Make it easy to start: Habits are the entry point - not the goal. "Read 30 books" ⇒ "Read before bed every night" ⇒ "Read one page". Red


By Alex · · August 25, 2023

This book and Emotional Intelligence Habits by Travis Bradberry are my two favorite self-improvement books. Atomic Habits teaches you how small habits (many of which you aren't even aware of) compound over time to make a huge difference in your life. When you work to form good habits they accumulate ...more

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